Not only do grocery bags reduce plastic waste, but they are also comfortable to use even while carrying big loads. That means you don’t need to carry tens of bags during shopping. The bag straps are strong and long enough to wear over the shoulder as a tote. Tote bags are inexpensive and will last you for years.When you fill them they remain erect, and groceries do not jumble around inside your trunk. They can even fit side by side within a huge pull-along shopping cart.At K.G COLLECTION we want you to have a wholesome shopping experience, without stress. What You Will Get2 Reusable Grocery bags2 Reusable Organic Cotton Produce BagsThey are stain-resistant and don’t get dirt easily. Simply wash them in with a moist cleaning cloth or with soap in mild-warm water (if they become very dirty). Don’t forget to recycle!Click on add to cart to get yours today!
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