Product description ALKA9 Alkaline Water is a crystal clear, unique, and pleasantly soft water, that was born on the island of Qeqertarsuaq, on the west coast of Greenland. Our Artesian Spring delivers natural water, meaning no chemicals in labs are needed to make it highly rich in Alkaline. The naturally high pH level of 9.38 can ultimately create a balance in the human body's level and deliver essential nutrients for growth and repair. Humans lose vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, daily, which results in a higher chance of a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, we’ve created a thirst quenching h20 to target any losses that may develop throughout daily activities. Drinking alkaline water will: - Neutralise excess acid in the body, resulting in a host of important benefits - Boost your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic disease - Get a higher rate of blood flow through the body - Detox the body of heavy metals, such as mercury – which will reduce chronic fatigue, low energy, bloating, mental confusion, inflammation, and food sensitivities. Join the revolution and dive into the world of ALKA9's Artesian Spring Bottled Water (we're also plastic-free!). Directions Neutralise excess acid in the body by drinking the alkaline water, which will also boost overall health, increase blood flow, and detox the body of heavy metals.
3 weeks ago
3 days ago