“Personalise Later" Stories from In The Book Capture the history and greatest moments of Arsenal football club through newspapers written at the time. This book charts a glorious history of great league, cup and European games and names through the decades. Any articles originally printed in full colour from 2006 onwards will be displayed as such. Reproduced to near full tabloid newspaper size it is bound in a beautifully embossed hardback cover. Make this gift personal with the option to personalise later. Receive and un-personalised version of the book with a code and request your free personalisation sticker at a later date. The label certificate will include the recipient's name, a personal message and a photo that can be added to the inside page. The perfect option for gifting, so as you can keep organised for Christmas and birthdays! The Personalise Later book collection means you can get your presents sorted early and choose the recipient later. Size 380 x 310 mm (Approx. A3) : * Your text will be printed exactly as you have entered it, so please double check spelling, punctuation and capitalisation. Not all accents and symbols can be printed. Here are the special characters we support: ÂÁÀÄÃÅÆÇÈÉËÊÌÏÎÍÓÒÖÔÕØŒÙÛÚÜÑÝŸŽßàäâãâáåæçèëêéíìïîñòóöôõøœóúüùûýÿž1234567890'"@ ?;:,.!-&
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2 weeks ago